Welcome To

Riffat Akash World!

Build Climber and Train Stopper

This is Riffat Akash. I have completed my undergradute from AIUB in Software Enginnering and gradute from JU in Information Technology.My dream is to become a full stack developer


Dream Big

Become a web Developer

This is Riffat Akash. I have completed my undergradute from AIUB in Software Enginnering and gradute from JU in Information Technology.My dream is to become a full stack developer



Full Stack Developer

2022-Present | Pro Lever Developer

This is Riffat Akash. I have completed my undergradute from AIUB in Software Enginnering and gradute from JU in Information Technology.My dream is to become a full stack developer

Baby Web Developer

2022-Present | Hero Learner

This is Riffat Akash. I have completed my undergradute from AIUB in Software Enginnering and gradute from JU in Information Technology.My dream is to become a full stack developer